List of products by brand Gouda's glorie
Everything that Gouda's Glorie stands for today once started with a small trading company in butter, cheese and meat products.
In 1924, the Van Dijk brothers started a small trading company in butter, cheese and meat products.
From Gouda, the Van Dijk brothers focused on distributing and repackaging their products, under the name 'Gouda's Roem'.
When it was decided to start producing margarine in 1946, the brand Gouda's Glorie was born.
The Gouda's Glorie sauces are now made in Den Dolder. The margarine products have been produced in Zeewolde since 2004.
At Hollandshopper we have a selection of Gouda's Glorie products that you can easily order online.
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There are 13 products.
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